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This chapter presents a number of concepts central to the design and development of algorithms.  It also introduces many of the concepts fundamental to the field of computer graphics.

Section 6.2 provides an introduction to computer graphics and describes three different approaches to generating graphical images: (1) data visualization tools, (2) drawing packages, and (3) model-based graphics.  Section 6.3 presents some of the basic concepts and terminology from computer graphics, such as pixels, frame buffers, and coordinate systems.  It also introduces the major graphics primitives: points, lines, polygons, and circles.

Section 6.4 of this chapter presents the Watson Graphical Language, a language designed to illustrate the principles of algorithm development in a graphical environment.  This language is not meant to be general purpose.  Instead, it is meant to be easy to learn and use.  Section 6.5 examines how the Watson Graphical Language can be used to produce images.  The emphasis is on how the basic components of a programming language can be used to solve simple problems.  A number of examples of graphical algorithms and the drawings produced by them are discussed.

After completing this chapter and the associated laboratory exercises, you should have an understanding of many of the fundamental concepts of both algorithm development and computer graphics.  This understanding will enable you to create simple graphical images and animations using the Watson Graphical Language.  It should also help prepare you for the study of the more general purpose programming languages that will follow in succeeding chapters.

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